• (+91) 9163680789
  • pancardiahearthospitals@gmail.com



eHealth is a private, secure, easy to use online platform that connects you with your preferred top specialist from the comfort and convenience of home. Available via eHealthChat and eHealthConsult, these services are an alternative channel in addition to walk-in appointments, to consult your doctor of choice.


Pancardia eHealthChat

With eHealth Chat, you can have a FREE 10-minute conversation on video or call with your selected doctor about general wellness and advice.


Pancardia eHealthConsult

With eHealthConsult, you can have a 30-minute video consultation with your preferred specialist. If there are medications prescribed to you after consultation, you can choose to have it delivered right to your doorstep or self-pick-up at our hospital.

Our version of telemedicine is here, all because we have your comfort in mind.